Come and explore a vast assortment of unique and hard-to-find gifts and collectibles. Formerly Mom’s Antiques & Treasures in the historical First National Bank building on Main Street, Morrow Ohio, on the Little Miami Scenic Bike Trail, we have closed our store and sold our building.
Browse vintage glassware, china, coins, dolls, jewelry, bells, tea cups, Red Hatter items, framed art, year-around Christmas, collectibles, new gift items, and much more.
About Us
hat I Mary and Bob Sterling had been avid antique collectors for over 60 years. They were the owners of The Black Bridge Peddlers antique shop in Herkimer, New York in the 1970s.
Faced with the dilemma of downsizing Mom and Dad in 2017, Tracy and Adam stumbled upon the historical First National Bank building, built in 1868 in quaint Morrow, Ohio, as the right home for Mom’s Antiques & Treasures, to find new homes for their treasures. In 2022, the Fresh to Morrow Cafe & Market approached us with their dream to have a restaurant on the bike trail and an offer to purchase our building. It was a win-win opportunity!
You can shop the remaining rare and unique collectibles online – from coins to tea cups, depression glass to Byers’ Choice caroler dolls, Jewel Tea china to Fenton glassware, vinyl albums to salt cellars, Red Hatter items to year-round Christmas decor, and much, much more. Follow me on Facebook and check out my showcase, #234, at the Ohio Valley Antique Mall.

Mary & Bob Sterling - 12/24/54
Items are being added all the time.
Prices do not include shipping.
We will notify you of the shipping and send an invoice for secure credit card payment. (We do not accept checks.)

Come to Morrow today!
- Fresh to Morrow Cafe (farm-to-table)
- Miranda’s Ice Cream Shoppe (seasonal)
- Morrow Arts Center (30+ studios & shops)
- Road House Grill (gourmet food truck)
- and more!
come visit US!
Our storefront is closed.
You can visit us:
Facebook: @MomsMorrow
Ohio Valley Antique Mall
7285 Dixie Hwy (Route 4)
Fairfield, OH 45014
Showcase # 234
We accept all major credit cards.